Author Topic: The Macaulay Culkin Show: 8/24 feat. Jon Glaser, Dave Hill, Murderfist & more!  (Read 1985 times)


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I'm Brett Davis (aka MC Steinberg) and I host a monthly show at Shea Stadium BK in Bushwick unfortunately titled The Macaulay Culkin Show. It has nothing to do with the actor, but we have had the likes of Chris Gethard, Wyatt Cenac, Dan St. Germain, Sasheer Zamata, John Milhiser, Noel Wells, Larry Murphy and so many other great acts.

But on August 24th, we have our biggest show yet. With a huge lineup doing 5 minute sets, you can consider this a sampler of the best people in comedy that you have or haven't heard of...yet. And our headliner is none other than JON GLASER. What more can be said?

The lineup:
Jon Glaser (Delocated, Conan, Parks & Rec, Girls, etc)
Dave Hill (WFMU)
Emmy Blotnick (Best Week Ever)
Dan Chamberlain (UCB)
Anna Drezen (The Onion)
Bridey Elliott (Eagleheart, Fort Tilden)
Jo Firestone (Punderdome 3000)
Good Cop Great Cop (Comedy Central)
Charles Gould (Charles, By The Way)
Dan Licata (Dan + Joe + Charles Show)
Manboobs Comedy (feat. Pete & Pete's Danny Tamberelli)
Will Miles (Official Comedy)
Murderfist (Adult Swim)
Megan Neuringer (Kroll Show, Delocated)
Joe Pera (JASH)
Gary Richardson (UCB)
Joe Rumrill (Fresh Perspectives)
Julio Torres (Fresh Perspectives)
Brooke Van Poppelen (Comedy Central)
and hosted by Brett Davis & Sally Burtnick

Sunday, August 24th at 8pm! $5

Shea Stadium
20 Meadow Street
Brooklyn, NY